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Mercedes WIS-EPC-EWANET Keygen.rar is a hacked working keygen for Mercedes Benz Electronic Power Control (EPC) and Electronic Wiring Diagnostic Tool (EWD). It includes two ways to hack Mercede Benz EPC with or without the diagnostics module EWIT. The hack consists in modifying the firmware in order to make it accept any kind of wireless key and disable the need of using a command from the diagnostic tool. The first step is to download and install the HEX editor software HITEMP, which will be used to modify the bytes of firmware stored on Mercedez EPC by adding a simple line: NWRTRD. A common hex editor will not be able to change the last two bytes of the firmware. The second step is to find the location on EPC of the key acceptance code 0x544, this is done by disassembling EPC using a hex editor before trying to hack it. The information needed is the address of zero value on zero, except for low-byte addresses (0x00) which are all zero, which is not good for us. This means that if we find an address where only the low byte has a different value than zero, then that means that this code is located there and it's just one more step until we find our NWRTRD string. The third step is to read the information about the EPC's firmware version on it's connector, which can be done by accessing the JTAG probe of the EPC through an AVR programmer. Here you will find what version of firmware it has, for this example we are going to change it to 0x540. After this, flash with HITEMP the new firmware using your hex editor software. Afterwards, you need another hex editor for this step, or two in some cases because during some steps you may have to comment out some bytes which are not useful anymore. In this case you need to remove the NWRTRD byte from the firmware, which is located at address 0x542. The fourth step is to flash the EPC with a new firmware, for this example we are going to use a package specifically made for this hack, made by a group named "Backdoor Team". This package needs to be uploaded on an EPC, because it will give you a new way to read and write data from or to EPC. There are other packages that can be used as well but those need an Ethernet connection from PC as-well as a null Byte at address 0x6C. After you've flashed the EPC with this package, you need to open the file "regextool.exe" located in "NWRTRD_v5" folder on EPC. By opening this file, it will start a new kind of communication with the EPC, by accessing the same JTAG probe of EPC through an AVR programmer (if your PC physically connects to it) and reading its memory without flashing anything. By clicking on "File", then "Open", you can load any HEX file. Under "File" select one of the . Mercedes WIS-EPC-EWANET keygen.rar cfa1e77820